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The Blossoms ARE Coming!

As we are in the midst of an ice storm this weekend, the weather may be trying to fool us, but spring is indeed here (no matter how cold it may be!) and that means the blossoms are right around the corner!! This time of year there is so much going on here at Everyday Joy, that I can barely keep it straight in my head. After a quiet winter, it is especially joyous to hear from past clients wondering about the year, and for me to be posting events for upcoming limited edition sessions.

Here are a few things that are going on this spring, some of them RIGHT NOW! ....

1. Mud Puddle Sessions

Mud puddle sessions in April are always super fun. The mud is always bountiful and the kids take great pleasure in getting as wet and messy as possible. These are done before the poison ivy, black flies and mosquitoes come out, which is KEY!! I've had both kids and family mud puddle sessions...I've even had Grandpa with the grandkids. What a great memory to make and capture!

boy jumping off log into creek

2. Child In My Heart Sessions/Fundraiser

Running for the third consecutive year, the Child In My Heart Fundraiser raises money to support local bereaved families through the Peterborough and Quinte Butterfly Runs. These short sessions aim to honour and remember the little one that has been lost or that is longed for. It is also an alternative to regular mother's day sessions, and can be a great gift to a friend or family member to let them know you are thinking of them in their loss. More info available here, and the event on Facebook is here.

"mommy of an angel" half a heart held in hands

3. Mother's Day {Limited Edition Mini}

On April 27th and 28th, there are openings for Mother's Day Limited Edition Minis. These 30 min sessions are meant for mamas with their children, or generational photos. These make a perfect gift for mother's day, a way to celebrate this moment in time and cherish it forever. If your house is anything like mine, mom is usually the one behind the camera, and not in the pictures. This needs to change!! Not just for mom, but for the kids - to have these images years down the road.

mom and daughter hugging in field
mom and daughter cuddling nose to nose in field

4. Breastfeeding In the Blossoms

Nursing sessions are one of my favourite things to photograph. It's pretty much impossible to get a bad shot, as the connection and sweetness between mom and babe are so real and natural and the subjects are so beautiful! These are quick, 10 min long sessions but we usually manage to cover a few different positions and angles, close ups, the ever popular over-the-shoulder shot, and some cuddles too. Any kind of baby feeding is welcome for these session, despite the "breastfeeding" in the name. They are about commemorating your specific journey with your baby. So bring on the bottles, the pumping, or tubes. I love capturing it all. There are two locations and times for these sessions. The first is in my field at the end of April - think beautiful light, golden tones, and (hopefully) no bugs! The second is in the apple orchard at the end of May, surrounded by the blossoms! Both are beautiful spots. If you're on Facebook, I've made an event for the nursing sessions with dates and lot of relevant info.

mom nursing older child in field
mom nursing baby in apple blossoms
detail shot of little fingers touching mom while nursing

5. Apple Blossoms {Limited Edition Mini}

This is one of THE most popular sessions of the year. If you've never been in an apple orchard when it's in bloom in the spring, you are missing out. It's magical. It's also the perfect spot for family, kids, or couples photos...anything looks good in the blossoms!! The tricky part for these sessions is the timing. No one actually knows when the blossoms will bloom, until right before! So if you like to have a concrete date, you will find this frustrating, BUT TOTALLY WORTH IT, trust me! *Typically* we are in the blossoms in and around the last week of May, but we have been in as early as the 2nd week and as late as the 1st week of June. Because of the short timing of the blossoms, sometimes only out 4-5days depending on the weather, sessions are limited. If you'd like to jump on one, it's best to let me know earlier rather than later!

family photos in the apple blossoms
family portrait in the apple blossoms

6. Lilacs {Limited Edition Mini}

I have offered these the past two years but I consider them *NEW* this year as part of the Limited Edition Sessions line-up, and with some new spots. I LOVE these. I live in Warkworth, home of the lilac festival, and they hold a special place in my heart. I love the fragrance, and the many varieties of colours, flowers, and bushes. These sessions are best for small groups...a few children, a couple, a mom & child, etc. as opposed to large family groups. The lilacs also typically bloom around the same time as the apple blossoms, though there are earlier and later blooming varieties. This means the availability for these sessions is also quite limited, so booking early is a good idea!

laughing girl in the lilacs

That brings us to the end of May; June warrants it's own blog post with daisies, peonies and garden, beach, and pure country session options. That will be for another day! Along with these special sessions and events of course, it is a great time of year to book your classic or 'your everyday joy' family sessions. April gets a bad rap, but it's an amazing time of year with beautiful gold tones, earlier sunset, and a lack of bugs..I keep mentioning that, but, it's a big deal lol. I love shooting in April. And don't forget about your Season's Pass! If you are loving all these Limited Edition Session options, the pass might be just for you! There are still a few left for 2018.

I would love to hear from you! You can say hello via phone or email to ask any questions at all, or if you would like to book in for a specific session, you can use the booking form. It is a blessing for me to work with each and every one of you, and I am so looking forward to what the next few months have to bring.

xo Melissa

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